Gopher Hell

Gopher Dinner. R.I.P.

Gophers? Moles? The Devil Himself?  I’ve watched one too many plant after the next die miserably or disappear and need to take action!!  No poisons or traps please – I need a long term solution.

Here are a list of plants that are supposed to deter gophers.  More data to come on their effectiveness…

  • Euphorbia lathyrus (Gopher Purge)
  • daffodils

    Daffodils save us

  • naked ladies (Amaryllis belladonna)
  • columbine (aquilegia)
  • artemesia
  • ceanothus
  • rock rose (cistus)
  • breath of heaven (coleonema)
  • foxglove (digitalis)
  • lantana
  • lavender
  • mimulus
  • heavenly bamboo (nandina)
  • Indian hawthorn (rhaphiolepis)
  • rosemary
  • perennial salvias
  • scillas

About GardenAndEats

Cindy is an avid gardener and cook.
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